House Corp President Update – Nov ’15

Greetings Brothers!  I hope everyone has recuperated from Thanksgiving feasts & family time.

I stepped back into House Corp as President on November 20th following the resignation of Roger Moody and wanted to take this opportunity to send a quick note on some of the main items House Corp is working on now and what is coming up.

For those of you who remember my first stint as HC President back in the late 90’s, I sent monthly email updates on progress & plans and I will be picking this up again starting with this update.

Three things to take away from this month’s briefing:

  1. 45th Birthday is coming up (March 31-April 3) and full details will be sent out very soon.
  2. 520 South Ridgewood is looking fantastic following recent large projects – you’ll be amazed at 45th.
  3. House Corp finances are in good shape with strong support from fundraising efforts and some exciting upcoming opportunities.

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