Thank you letter from the parents of Drew Hunter

We would like to thank all of Drew’s Sigma Chi Brothers for the incredible support you have given us and his family and friends. From the moment Drew lost his life in the kayaking accident, we were enveloped by the love, support and compassion of his fellow Sigma Chi’s.

Several of you came to Vail and gave us immediate support. And when we returned home to Marshfield many of you flew in to help out and attend his Celebration of Life Service. Beautiful flowers were sent from the his Eta Iota chapter and its’ sister sorority, Alpha Xi Delta, to our home and to the church. The White Rose ceremony led by his little brother, Brad Vomacka, was incredibly meaningful and touching to everyone. To have so many Brothers participate, even some who had never even met Drew, speaks for the strong bonds that Sigma Chi develops.

When Drew first pledged, we immediately saw how seriously he took his commitment to Sigma Chi. We will always treasure the letters he wrote to us and the life reflections he made during that time. We have no doubt that the values he was raised with were strengthened due to his membership in Sigma Chi. He even told his fiancee that joining Sigma Chi had changed his life and help make him the man he was.

We thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts who knew and loved Drew, not only for your compassion to us, but also for giving him so many fond memories and strong friendships over the years. We will always consider you his brothers, and offer our home to you as he would have.

With affection and gratitude,

Gail and Jeremy Hunter

July 2009 House Corp News

In this Issue:
House Update
Treasurer’s Update
1855 News
Announcements & Birthdays

House Update

All in all a pretty slow month at the house.  The undergraduates have done some major landscaping this month.  The grass is green and alive (which doesn’t sound like much, but it is light-years forward from where we have been in the past).  They have also overhauled the planting beds; digging them out completely, laying down new weed-block fabric, removing the old wood that lined the beds and installed new, repainting the house walls that were stained from the old bushes and finally they will beginning to plant scrubs/bushes in these beds in the next few days.  Some limited funds from the alumni have been allocated with some stipulation ensuring the survival of these plants over time. Continue reading

June House Corporation News


From the desk of the Prez –
Bonds of Brotherhood
Eta Iota Blog
Drew Hunter
House Update Programming –
1st Phase of a long road
Announcements & Birthdays

From the desk of the Prez – Bonds of Brotherhood:

Does it feel like time just slips away? Wasn’t Birthday just last week? Where does the time go? As the months/years fly by it seems the less and less time we have to stay connected with each other. This is no more apparent than the list of lost brothers. We all know we’re a small chapter, yet we have a rich history. Personally, that’s one of the greatest assets of our chapter. We’ve earned 17 Peterson Significant Chapter Awards, 2 Legion of Honor awards, a Public Relations Award, 2 Character in Actions, and countless Grand Consul’s Citations. Eta iota also has produced 2 Significant Sig Awards; Brother John Bailey `75 and most recently Brother Hugh Mills `74, our White Cross has gained new luster by their lives….Not Bad for 38 years.

Despite all of this, as well as an undying devotion to our order we still have almost 100 Eta Iota Sigs: Lost.

Over the past two months Seth Downs, Bill Palmer, Jon Wrightington and others have “Cut Loose” so to speak, implementing new/exciting programs to reconnect our chapter. Communication is the name of the game now, and I’m proud to formally announce our 5 year captains:

`70-`74 Mike Wyble
`75-`79 Dave Fraser
`85-`89 Jeff Penn
`90-`94 Brian Lojko
`95-`99 Curt Kienast
`00-`04 Jason Kreisher
`05-`09 Nick Weiss
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Collegiate Housing & Infrastructure Bill

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Chapter houses seem to have an insatiable need for renovation. As the houses age and are subjected to “accelerated depreciation” by the residents, house corporations are challenged to keep the housing safe and competitive with other forms of university housing. Universities have long had the advantage of being able to use tax deductible contributions to maintain their property.

The Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act (HR 1547/S 781) would level the playing field by Continue reading