June, 2002
In this month's issue:
Brother Leo Shamlen
Brother Ryan Donley
Letter from ERAU's Dr. Ebbs
Summer Newsletter Coming Up
Housing Update
HC Elections
April, May & June Birthdays (I know, I'm way behind)
Brother Leo Shamlen
The following was forwarded to me from Steve Robinson via Bill Palmer. I do not have any further information at this time but will keep everyone posted:
From Steve:
I spoke to his [Leo's] mom, who informed me that Leo passed away last year. It happened in Mexico, apparently due to a heart attack. The details I got were that Leo traveled quite a bit in his job and was living on his own at the time. His mom told me that it was about three weeks before she realized he was missing - because of the frequent travel. After she initiated the missing persons search, she was alerted that the body had been found on a beach in Mexico on the Baha Peninsula. She said there were a number of small fish camps in the area and apparently he had set up camp to fish. His body was found on the beach with his sleeping bag rolled up under him as if he had fallen asleep that way. There was no evidence of violence or foul play at the time the body was located. That's about all I got. When she first took the call, I asked if Leo could be reached through that number (I knew it was his parent's address), she apparently thought I was calling about bills or other stuff. She spoke calmly, but you could tell she was still pretty shaken up talking about it.
I want to thank everyone for their support on behalf of Daphne and Ryan's families. I had a chance to meet Ryan's father for the first time at the wake and he was truly impressed with the Brothers of Sigma Chi and the friends Ryan has made through his experiences at Eta Iota. The support and condolences offered by our brothers has certainly had a tremendous impact on those closest to Brother Donley.
House Corp has established an account from which Daphne can access the financial contributions as she sees fit. For more information, including complete details on the Eta Iota Memorial Fund, please visit http://etaiota.org/RyanDonley.html. My hopes are that we can keep this fund active for any future situations such as this.
Along with the contributions I have received many letters and cards from our alumni brothers, families, and even past sweethearts. The following was written by Brother Graham Smith following the White Rose cermony conducted by our brothers attending the funeral:
In selfish sorrow, I came upon a steep hill.
I could not see over to the other side.
Waiting patiently at the top were those who had gone before him.
They were calling him.
He rested quietly; sharing a peace with Christ that surpasses all understanding.
Trying to reach him, only breath and sadness filled the void of which I cannot solely bare.
I felt each unwanted tear of days past overtaking my strength.
Trembling were my hands as I placed a white rose where he lay.
The eternal chapter embraced my friend.
The face of God shone brightly overhead.
I recently received the following letter from Dr Ebbs outlining some of the changes made on campus and how, at least one of them, may benefit our chapter and the others:
Dear John,
I note that it has been almost a year since you and your brothers celebrated Sigma Chi's 30th Anniversary at the Plaza here in Daytona. And a year since we have had any communication. Frankly, there has not been much to report. Our attention has been focused on finding and installing a new Chancellor for the Daytona Beach campus as well as a new Chief Academic Officer for the University. Happily, noth of these searches have been successful and two great people are now in place to help me continue Embry-Riddle's forward momentum.
Dr Irwin Price, our new Daytona Beach campus Chancellor, is taking a good look at Greek life to see where and how we can strengthen and enhance the system on this campus. The enquiry ranges from housing to improving fraternity and sorority quality. While it has taken us a while to get started, this look is needed and finally provides an opportunity for constructive dialogue with our Greeks and their alumni. I have told Dr. Price of your interest in working with us. I have no doubt that he will be in touch.
George H Ebbs, Jr.
Additionally, I got word from Ossie Palla that ERAU has recruited a full-time Greek Advisor (officially titled Assistant Director of Student Activities in charge of Greek Life). This has been one of Ossie's primary goals since starting at ERAU a couple years ago. She has supported everyone well in her part-time capacity and is very excited about the potential of a full-time resource. Kevin Snyder (ksnyder@gwm.sc.edu) started his new position June 1st and is eager to hear from any students or alumni from our chapter. Kevin just completed his Masters degree in Higher Education Administration at the University of South Carolina-Columbia and comes to us with a wealth of knowledge in Greek Life.
SUMMER NEWSLETTER COMING UP Our semi-annual printed newsletter is coming up and, once again, I am looking for news and information that people are wanting to have published. Weddings, engagements, job updates, births of future Sigs & Sweethearts - send it all to me at magnum@ntplx.net. Remember too, that unless you specifically ask for a printed version of the newsletter, you will be receiving an email with instructions to acess an electronic version on the web. To make sure you are signed up for papper newsletters, check your profile at http://nwdc10.com/etaiota/search.htm. Simply search for your name and edit the profile if necessary.
We've got some updates planned for the upcoming summer that will be spelled out in greater detail in the upcoming newsletter. Stay tuned for more information.
The House Corp meeting this year closed with the following elections for the upcoming year. Thank you as always to the officers and Trustees who have helped with the operations of our organization:
President John Banta
Vice President Brian Lojko
Treasurer Mike Gehman
Secretary Chris Edmondson
Expiring 2003
Bill Palmer
Terry Owens
Expiring 2004
Reeese Aguilar
Rich Schooley
Expiring 2005
Nick Cornwell
Mike Wyble
And continuing with their invaluable support, Bill Palmer is continuing as the webmaster of etaiota.org and Dave Spaller as Database Administrator.
Happy Birthday to those who are celebrating (or have celebrated) their birthdays below. my apologies for falling behind in the annoucements:
April Birthdays
04/26 Jesse Adami '94
04/11 Steve Avakian '88 SAvakianJr@msn.com
04/02 John Bailey , "Jack " '75
04/19 Chris Beale '75
04/09 Bob Bernard '76
04/09 Larry Biddle '89 labiddle@prodigy.net
04/30 Blair Bogdan '92 Bbogdan@aol.com
04/04 Charles Boivin '73
04/03 J. Scott Bond , "Scott " '72
04/25 Zachariah Bowers , "Zach " '93
04/26 Gregory P. Chase , "Greg " '82 70633.3576@compuserve.com
04/03 Paul Clem , "P.C. " '87 ptclem@hotmail.com
04/26 Joe Diana '85 jnldiana@worldnet.att.net
04/05 Anthony Disantis , "Tony " '84
04/06 Jarid Feiertag , "Sperling " '00 sperlingjf@hotmail.com
04/23 Michael Gehman , "Mike " '93 mikegehman@attbi.com
04/18 Tyrel J Gibson , "Navigator " '03 gibsont172@hotmail.com
04/11 Don Haddox '76
04/11 Skip Hartmann '73
04/08 Steve Hartman '80
04/13 Dale Hawkinson '90
04/20 Bill Janak , "Old MacDonald " '04 janakb@db.erau.edu
04/22 Bruce Jones '85 bruce.jones4@worldnet.att.net
04/01 Drew Jones , "Milton " '04 slydogg_53@hotmail.com
04/13 Geoff Kaufman '85
04/17 Jeffrey L. Kennedy , "Jeff " '76 kennedj@ntsb.gov
04/03 William E. Kingsley III , "Bill " '84 kingsley@1scom.net
04/16 John Lojko Jr. , "Brian " '97 jblojko@bellsouth.net
04/25 William Lower , "Billy " '87 LowerBK@cs.com
04/01 Todd Ludwig '01
04/04 Berrae Meixsell '81
04/08 Hugh Mills '74 hmills16@aol.com
04/07 Dave Ming '99
04/15 Kenneth Monetta , "Kenny " '77 monetaberg@aol.com
04/09 Albert Montoya , "Tarzan " '93 montoya@scbbs-bo.com
04/22 Francisco Moreno '72
04/11 Joe Mullarney '82
04/07 Christopher Myatt , "Grimace " '99 SIG538@aol.com
04/30 Michael P O'Donnell , "Balboa " '00 Mikeohah@aol.com
04/03 Kenneth Owens , "Ken " '85 mechbet@unicom-alaska.com
04/01 Terry Owens '72 Terry4147@aol.com
04/08 Jan Paladino '95
04/14 Vinnie Parrinello '77
04/28 Luke Pestow , "Ralphie " '01 lpestow@yahoo.com
04/17 Doug Phifer '83 DOUGPHIFER@AOL.COM
04/16 James V. Pusateri , "Jim " '74 monateri@hotmail.com
04/21 Wolfgang Schuster '80
04/16 Ron Sicoli '97 ronsicoli@yahoo.com
04/29 Jay Smullen '77 poolmart@gate.net
04/30 Lem Terrell '81
04/02 Joe Torch '86
04/05 John Valentino '77 JV55TB@aol.com
04/26 Phil Wheeler '83 philip@go-concepts.com
04/10 Glenn White '80 gaw410@aol.com
04/20 Darren Wilson , "Heebo " '99
04/25 Dave Zabilansky '81
04/23 George Zinninger III '86 georgezinninger@cs.com
04/17 Vic Ziobro '86
May Birthdays
05/26 Joe Agro '87
05/22 Jere Andrews '73
05/31 Fawaz Atchoo , "Uzi " '92 fawaz03@yahoo.com
05/27 Charles Bonini '96 slackercb@hotmail.com
05/18 John Buckner '78
05/13 Albert A. Chacos '74
05/16 Michael Donahue , "Mike " '99
05/08 James Doncaster , "Jim " '84 jdoncaster@carolina.rr.com
05/11 Eric Dreisbach '84
05/25 Paul Eddy '71
05/10 Paul English '89 penglish@centurytel.net
05/24 Steve Foster '71 fostersa@aol.com
05/10 Barret Frain '95 bfrain@email.msn.com
05/01 Fernando Giuffra '01
05/25 Chad Greer '97
05/23 Ross Guscette '76
05/14 Jeff Guthrie , "Frank N Beans " '03 figment7@aol.com
05/17 William Gutierrez , "Bill " '86 SBD@marinecorps.com
05/20 Mark Happ , "Fatboy " '85 captainhapp@2z.net
05/03 Nick Edward Hoefer , "Grinch " '05 nehoefer@yahoo.com
05/23 Ken Hoyt '75 khoyt@bellsouth.net
05/23 Roger Hughey , "Vasco Da Gama " '01 tazmanian47@aol.com
05/12 Drew Hunter '04
05/10 Dana Kelder '56
05/31 Guy Ligon III '88 ligon@earthlink.net
05/24 Gaspare Martino '80
05/26 Shane McGoldrick '93
05/02 Steve Meade '75
05/31 Dan Milicevic '94
05/27 Ron Moore '73
05/09 Phil Morrow '77
05/27 Travis Motes '95
05/07 Dave Nelson '95
05/11 Robert Pacheco '90 robert.r.pacheco@aexp.com
05/10 Aaron Pauly , "Mrs Muffet " '04 Aaron8091@aol.com
05/14 Gary Prestipino '92 gp1013@aol.com
05/14 Christopher Rosen '93
05/26 Bill Ross '77
05/10 Mike Ruganis , "Ragu' " '79 mruganis@swfla.rr.com
05/19 Ray Santa '75
05/31 Randall A Sarver , "Shakespere " '99 dantes@rocketmail.com
05/14 Andy Shiver '04
05/28 Dane Slough '90
05/02 Tim Sperbeck , "Confusius " '01 TJS7man@aol.com
05/18 Russell A. Strine , "Russ " '73
05/13 Richard Sturtevant , "Skip " '74 richard1@cstone.net
05/30 William F. Teague Bill '89
05/16 Ed Tobin '77
05/27 Gary Towers '81 SailWindyCity@aol.com
05/13 Ron White '74
05/05 Jim Wozinak '96
05/26 Gary Zambito '74
June Birthdays
06/01 Dave Fraser '77 Fraser5@compuserve.com
06/01 Herb Huston '78
06/01 John Wrightington PhD '79 JWrighting@aol.com
06/01 Shawn Williams "Yankee " '00 sigma2chi@yahoo.com
06/02 Bill Lark '86
06/02 Jeffrey B. Penn "Jeff " '90 jetajeff@aol.com
06/02 Matt Catalanotto '96
06/03 Larry Sweeney '72 larsween@aol.com
06/03 Kevin Lupinacci '93 loopkjl@aol.com
06/03 Graham Smith "Hank Hill " '01 tedstriker@lycos.com
06/04 Dennis Miller '73
06/04 Gary Dyer '74
06/04 Kurt Routenburg '94
06/04 Ryan Collins "Saber " '04 collinry@erau.edu
06/05 Robert Burgio "Bob " '80
06/05 Russ Bucklew "Grape Ape " '99 sig574hi@aol.com
06/06 Akeary Vick '72
06/07 Ronald Bates '04
06/09 D. Windsor Barringer '88
06/10 Brian Frost "Jack " '93 xplovette@hotmail.com
06/10 Derek DeBolt '96
06/11 Benjamin Brandt "Opie " '98 bmbrandt@mit.edu
06/12 Craig Borger '75
06/12 Nik Renieris '92
06/13 Mark Milham '79 MMilham@chp.ca.gov
06/14 Bob Matthews '90
06/15 Robert Weikel '73
06/15 Rodney George '72
06/15 Bruce Balensiefer "Sief " '78 bbalen@aol.com
06/15 Jim Vittetow '81 70774.74@compuserve.com
06/15 Howard Hamilton '90 HowardZonya@aol.com
06/15 Tony Kalka '99
06/15 Shawn Lowe '99
06/16 Chris Edmondson '95 sig457hi@aol.com
06/17 Bill Wood '78
06/18 Ken Bording '71 bordingk@aol.com
06/18 Matthew Sorensen '96
06/20 Larry A. Hesterberg "Big Lar " '94 biglar@iname.com
06/21 Spencer Smith II '90 SmithiiS@aol.com
06/22 Claude Franco '86
06/23 Ken Dolan '73
06/23 Robert D. Jordan "Rob " '90
06/23 Richard Haberman "Elvis " '92 rhaberman@nyc.rr.com
06/23 Keith W. Harrison '94
06/24 Doug Bloch '93
06/26 R.Mike Busch '71
06/26 Robert Busch '71 mbusch@cirrusdesign.com
06/26 Gary Schroeder '82
06/27 Joseph Adkins Jr "Joe " '92 ItsAllJoe@aol.com
06/27 Dan Ruth '91
06/28 Gary Marville '74 Gmarville@aol.com
06/29 Steve Boyd '79
06/29 Joe Bilotti '89
06/29 Chad M Bright "Michael " '01
06/30 Harry Wilkes '71
06/30 John Hillman '74
06/30 Pete Eggler '79 pdeggler@smile.ch
06/30 Kevin Meeder '83 kevin.meeder@nwa.com
in hoc,
John Banta
Eta Iota House Corp President